

Losey AI, LLC is a private Florida Limited Liability Company, not a law firm. Its sole officers and directors are Ralph Losey and his wife, Molly Losey, a licensed mental health counselor. Losey AI, LLC is an entirely separate entity from the law firm of Losey PLLC. This website and all contents are by Ralph Losey individually in his capacity as an educator and journalist.

The contents reflects the personal views and opinions of Ralph Losey in his individual capacity only. It does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of his law firm, or his clients, or anyone else, and is not sponsored or endorsed by them in any way. It may not even represent Ralph’s current opinions. He tries to always keep an open mind and not have fixed views on anything, except perhaps his fundamental beliefs in the importance of life, liberty, truth, justice, freedom and equal rights, including the right to pursue happiness.

This has always been an individual blog, an attempt to pursue happiness if you will, not a commercial law firm blog. It is a place where  Ralph Losey has long exercised his First Amendment rights of free speech to try to educate the legal profession and interested members of the general public concerning one of his favorite areas of the law. This blog is not intended to be an advertisement for services.

Ralph Losey is a lawyer located in Orlando, Florida. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based on advertising.

Any statements made in this blog about persons or groups are Ralph’s personal opinions only and are not intended to be truthful factual representations nor disparagements of these persons or groups. Also, please understand that when comments are made in this blog about a past or present law suit, and order or orders entered therein, and concerning any of the parties, witnesses, or attorneys involved therewith, that Ralph is only relying on the facts stated and included in the judicial opinion itself. Unless he expressly states to the contrary, Ralph has no personal knowledge of the facts or the merits of the case outside of what has been published and included in the judicial opinions commented upon. Ralph tries to understand the facts and law stated in the judicial opinions and other matters that he comments on, but you should read these opinions and other sources yourself. His interpretations may be mistaken and they are not intended to be relied upon by anyone; and, as further explained below, they are not intended to be legal advice.

Further, to repeat, this website is not intended to be advertising. Ralph Losey and his firm do not wish to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this blog alone. Moreover, this blog and any related websites are not intended for viewers in any state where the blog and related websites are considered controlled speech and fail to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.

No one should act upon any opinions or information in this blog without first seeking qualified professional counsel.

The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision which should not be based upon advertising alone.

Any statements made here as to Ralph’s prior case successes for a client are not intended to suggest that similar results could be attained again for any other clients. Results in litigation can never be guaranteed.

Ralph Losey is licensed to practice law only in the State of Florida.

The sole intended purpose of this blog site is for the personal expression of views and opinions related to Ralph Losey’s favorite subjects, artificial intelligence and electronic discovery law, and related issues. No representation is made about the truth or accuracy of any information contained in this blog. The information contained in this blog is provided only as general information for education purposes, which may or may not reflect the most current legal developments. The blog topics may or may not be updated subsequent to their initial posting.

Ralph Losey claims copyright and ownership to all written materials on this blog (but not all of the graphics, some of which are used from the public domain or fair use) and reserves the right to delete or revise any comments left thereon. The writings of any guest bloggers or comments left on this blog by others represents their own personal views, and not necessarily Ralph’s or anyone related or associated with him. In fact he may disagree with them. Ralph does not intend to endorse their opinions by allowing inclusion of their writings on this site. Also, Ralph does not endorse or in any way recommend any other website that this blog may mention or link to. Your use of this blog and all links made herein is at your own risk.

By using this web site you understand that this information is NOT provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is NOT intended to constitute legal advice. This website site should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state. Reading a blog or viewing a website is never a viable substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney. The same applies to the use of artificial intelligence or any custom GPT created by Ralph Losey or Losey AI, LLC. You must seek the advice of a human attorney. An artificial intelligence is just a tool for a human attorney. It is not an attorney on its own, nor may any AI provide legal advice. Only licensed human attorneys may do that and for very good reasons as explained in this and other Ralph Losey related websites.

Please be advised that Ralph Losey never provides legal advice on an individual basis outside of his law firm and is not permitted to provide such advice through his firm without first performing a complete check on potential conflicts of interest and the client’s agreement in writing to all of the firm’s terms and conditions of representation. Do not contact Ralph Losey regarding a potential representation via this website or individually. Use his law formal firm intake process at Losey PLLC in Orlando, Florida.

Never disclose to Ralph Losey or his law firm any information concerning any matter in which you may seek legal representation until after a full conflict check has been completed by his firm and official clearance is provided by his law firm to hear confidential information. Any such unwanted communications will be deleted without being read. No legal advice will ever be provided by Ralph Losey to anyone unless and until there has been a full conflict check by his firm and clearance has been provided by his firm for such possible representation and a written agreement has been entered into with his firm.

I hope this is all clear and that you understand that my publication of this website and blogs is not intended to be an advertisement nor solicitation of legal services in any way.

Ralph Losey